by Miriam Coyle, Principal Consultant Coyle Consulting
Ireland’s economy is back on track and confidence is growing everyday. Unemployment figures are still falling and we are finding it more difficult than ever to get good recruiters to staff our recruitment agencies. Recruitment agencies are now relying on the overseas markets to entice expats to come home so knowledge of working in an overseas market is very attractive. I am taking a trip myself to Australia to speak with a number of recruiters and partner with another R2R in March 2016.
Good recruiters have been loyal to their employees for a long time and are now being promoted into more senior roles and not willing to make a move. What do we do??
We need to look at more training and look at taking on more industry professionals as well as experienced recruiters. We need to be more proactive in selling Ireland as a place to return home to. The year of the gathering was such a great year for promoting Ireland; we need something like this to encourage our people back home.
With social media, it has become easier than ever to reach out to people. The world is a much smaller place. We need to start promoting our country now as a super place to return home to as we have done such good work on promoting it for FDI and have really reaped the rewards from this.
I worked in the Australian Market for 4 years myself. Myself and my husband left in 03 when the IT industry had a little wobble and he couldn’t find work. We went on a working holiday visa and enjoyed every minute of it. At the end we were not ready to come home. we were enjoying the freedom and the sunshine. Coming up to our visa deadline, we asked ourselves what we wanted from life. A couple of months later, we landed in Dublin airport having travelled for a couple of months on our way back. We got married shortly after with all our friends and family around. I set up my business, my husband got an excellent job after gaining a lot of valuable experience in Australia. We bought a house, started a family and now 11 years later, I couldn’t be happier. Surrounded by family and friends, I couldn’t want more.
Yes, the sunshine is great. The freedom is great. But at the end of the day, home is where the heart is.