How to Deal With Workplace Gossips

By Sandy Dsouza


Human beings are social animals and often give their opinions on various topics even if it is not asked. They tend to discuss at every possible chance and do not refrain from doing so even at their workplace. Gossips are a rampant part of any organization as there may be employees who get mostly involved in speculating other individuals. While healthy discussions can help a person grow in his/her career, spreading false rumors can affect the performance of an individual. It can also have a devastating effect on him/her as it takes a hit on the morale and productivity of the concerned person. Hence, one must refrain from being a part of chatters and even if had an idea about it, must act wisely and handle it properly. Here are ways that will help you manage workplace gossips effectively.

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  • Get to the root of the topic

Conversation at the workplace is a common thing that happens in every organization. However, you must identify the type of discussion that is being carried out. While a friendly banter can bring about some light moments among the employees, a gossip is started by the speaker just to seek attention and spread misconceptions that is aimed at undermining an individual’s potential.

  • Do not take things personally

It often happens that the person who initiates rumors is exaggerating things just to show his/her superiority in the company. Even if it looks like a deliberate attempt to spread malicious nonsense about you, how you respond to the situation will matter the most. Instead of having a defensive approach, try to understand the reasons that caused these rumors and then deal with it objectively.

  • Know the facts

Instead of riding high on your emotions while addressing such issues, it is necessary that you get to know the real story behind the widespread tales. You can search for factual answers by interacting with the right people who will provide you with accurate answers.

  • Examine the context

While handling rumors at your workplace, you need to identify the type of rumors – whether it is related to any particular individual or is a workplace gossip. Although both must be treated in a fast and firm way, proper steps must be taken to prevent the morale of employees from plummeting.

  • Address the rumors honestly

At times of uncertainties at the workplace in today’s world, rumors are bound to get more fueled and are propelled faster. If you have a high position in the organization, it is your duty to assess fears in your team and make them aware of the facts. It involves giving proper reassurance about things you know and taking steps to find reality about things you might not be aware about.

  • Question the gossiper directly

Mostly people gossip about others just because they enjoy doing it or have a sense of insecurity towards an individual. They use such attention-seeking tactics to make their importance felt in their group. You can help such employees by confronting them to speak about their real grievances or encourage them to tell about what is bothering them.

  • Avoid getting involved

Whether you are an employee, a team leader or aspire to occupy a higher position in the company, never participate in conversations that perpetuate rumors. Doing so, not only belittles your value but also creates a negative impression on the minds of others.

  • Discourage spreading of rumors

You should abide by the company policies and understand the types of discussions in your organization are termed as gossips. Make sure the employees understand what is viewed as a negative discussion and take appropriate measures to prevent it.

Gossips can become a major reason of distraction at a workplace and even affect the company’s performance leading to financial loss. Thus, it becomes necessary to keep rumors in check and disallow propagation of false news among employees. The above listed methods can help you in dealing with gossips in your organization.




Sandy Dsouza is a freelance author and blogger. She is always eager to share her knowledge on various topics like resume and career development. and his significant contributions to BSR: Resume Examples.


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