By William Harper
Conflict in the workplace among employees is inevitable. Wherever there are people gathered voicing their opinions, there are some disagreements that are bound to happen. Conflict in the workplace may happen several times. It could start because of minor differences.
Conflict Resolution should be Utmost Priority
Conflict resolution in the workplace among employees should be your topmost priority. You should be aware that arguments tend to happen more often than not. Secondly, avoiding them is not the ultimate solution. In fact, turning a deaf ear to the issue is more like leaving an injury untreated. The untreated wound would only worsen, and with time spread among people in the surroundings. Hence, managing conflict in the workplace is more important than you may originally think of.
Avoiding Conflict
You may be wondering that prevention is better than cure and avoiding conflict in the workplace is what should be your aim. Of course, it is better not to have a problem than to struggle to find a solution. But if you carefully analyze, disagreements and ultimately quarrels are intrinsic to human nature.
Group Activities
Activities can be arranged to develop and promote understanding among employees within and outside workplaces.
Hire Resolvers
Another thing that is typically done to take preventative measures is to hire people who are good at managing conflict in the workplaces. Since everybody knows that fights are entirely possible, the candidates are asked behavioral questions during their selection interviews.
Interview Question
Interview question regarding conflict resolution in the workplace is very common. Employers need to know how well their employees-to-be can manage a conflict and prevent it from escalating. The question usually asked is regarding the role these people played in resolving any conflict that they had come across in the past.
The answers to these questions tell a lot about a candidate’s ability to deal with the situation when they are in hot water.
This explains pretty much everything about the common question that pops into our head: Can conflict in the workplace be avoided? In a nutshell, partly yes, by organizing activities that promote understanding and goodwill among employees, and by searching for people with a good sense of handling conflict in the workplace constructively.
The Positive Side of Conflicts in the Workplace
Another question that comes to the fore is how can conflict in the workplace be a good thing? It is not a myth, as impossible as it may seem in the heat of the moment. However, conflict in the workplace can be constructive or destructive.
Conflict in the workplace can be positive in a sense that it can spark creativity, and better solutions can be worked out. When a disagreement is voiced, healthy groups brainstorm to find a better solution. More investigation and research are dug up before a group reaches a decision that is agreed by all.
Beneficial conflict in the workplace, therefore, arouses imagination and creativity, encourages the growth of employees, creates an energetic environment and gives birth to new ideas, alternatives, and solutions.
Solving the Issue
But what if you have taken all measures for resolving conflict in the workplace activities, but the imminent disaster decides to strike anyway. The question that follows next is how can conflict in the workplace be resolved? There are lots of steps you can do to tackle the conflict.
Solve Immediately
The first thing is to nip in the bud quickly. Conflict in the workplace should be handled sooner than later, and you should be quick as lightning to reach to the core of the issue.
Be Polite
If you are the one involved in the conflict, try to take the first step and take out time to resolve the matter in some peace and quiet. Employ a polite language. Ask what is bugging the other person, apologize for your part, and appreciate the other.
Also, observe how your conflict is leaving consequences all over the place. If you are not in the fight directly, try to be a mediator by listening to both the sides carefully and addressing their grievances equally until you find a mutual solution to which everyone agrees.
So, now you know all about the conflict in the workplace and how to resolve it.