Minister for Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, has welcomed the proposed public pay agreement reached at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) earlier today – (Public Service Agreement 2024-2026) .
Minister Donohoe said:
“Collective agreements have an important place in public service industrial relations. They provide a means to ensure we can deal with public pay issues in a fair, equitable and affordable way. I welcome the proposed agreement that was reached in the early hours of this morning at the WRC.
I recognise that the commitment, flexibility and agility of our highly skilled public servants is fundamental to the delivery of quality public services. I believe that this agreement will provide certainty and stability for public servants as well as the Government and public service users over the coming years.
I have always been clear that I wanted to reach an agreement that was both affordable and fair and I believe both of these objectives have been achieved.”
The full text of the proposed agreement is available here .
The Agreement runs for two and a half years and the total cost amounts to €3.6 billion spread over 4 Budget years – 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027.
The Agreement also provides for a Local Bargaining process. This mechanism will provide an avenue by which employers and grades, groups and categories of public servants can address issues involving changes in structures, work practices or other conditions of service.
The pay measures in the Agreement are weighted towards those on lower incomes. Those on lowest incomes will receive up to 17.3% over the lifetime of this Agreement inclusive of the Local Bargaining provision.
The parties will be able to bring forward proposals, up to a maximum value equivalent to 3% of basic pay. The first instalment, equivalent to 1% of the basic pay cost, will be implemented on 1 September 2025 and the balance will fall to be addressed in any successor pay agreement.
The Agreement builds on the achievements and momentum of reform delivered through previous public service agreements. It allows for on-going co-operation with change and productivity improvements, whilst also providing for industrial peace for the next two and a half years.