Over 1.25 million Claims for PRSI based Dental & Optical Benefit Supports in 2018

Some 1.08 million claims were made by employees paying PRSI social insurance at Classes A, E, H and P with over 190,000 claims made by self-employed people paying PRSI Class S contributions.
Treatment Benefits were extended to the self-employed and their dependent spouses/partners in March 2017 and further improvements to the scheme were made and available to both employed and self-employed contributors from the end of October 2017. 

Currently, there are some 2.5 million PRSI contributors, comprising employees and self-employed who may have an entitlement to claim Treatment Benefits for both themselves and their dependent spouse or partner.

The Optical scheme covers the provision of glasses, either free or subsidised if an upgraded design is chosen, or provides a contribution towards contact lenses. Repairs to glasses are also covered under the scheme. 
The Dental scheme includes a contribution to cleaning, either an annual scale and polish or more extensive periodontal treatment if clinically required. The cleaning requires a co-payment from the patient if the cost of the treatment charged by the dentist is in excess of the amount payable by the Department. For the simpler scale and polish treatment this additional co-payment is capped at a maximum of €15. A free annual dental examination is also available.

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Full details on the Treatment Benefits scheme and how to apply are available on the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection’s website at the following link: http://www.welfare.ie/en/Pages/Treatment-Benefit1.aspx.

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