4 Reasons to Take a Lunch Break at Work

by Abrivia Recruitment

Do you currently work consistently long hours? Do you run as fast as you can to the local shop / fast food restaurant to grab food and return straight to your desk? You can’t remember the last time you took a lunch break?
If you answered  yes to any of the above you are like most working professionals within Ireland that very rarely take a lunch break

These are just a few of the many reasons people use to justify not taking a break:
• Have too much work to get done
• A pile of work on my desk
• Struggling to meet a deadline
• No one else takes one / Nothing to do
• Need this time to organise the rest of my day
• Need to get through all of my work emails from this morning
• Want to impress my manager

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I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you the importance of taking a break and why not taking one can back fire and lead to longer working hours, increased stress levels and a decrease in productivity.

By not taking a break we lose focus, concentration levels decline, we make more mistakes and productivity is significantly reduced.

Here are the 4 reasons to take a break during the day:

Body and Brain needs to refuel
Our body and brain needs time to relax and have down time whilst it refuels and takes on food. Without this our body’s get shaky, agitated and we can become irritable. Taking a break and consuming food will combat all these issues.
Increase Productivity

Taking a break will help increase productivity as you will return to your desk with your brain / body refuelled and with increased energy levels. Your mind will act faster, You’ll be more efficient and productive over a shorter time period.

Decrease stress levels
Taking a break will help your decrease your stress levels. Taking on food, going for a walk, listening to music or having a conversation non work related will take your focus off work.  That way when you return to work related duties you will have a renewed focus and fresh ideas.
Work life balance
Taking a break will help with your work life balance over time, The reason being is that you will be managing your time more effectively and increased your productivity levels over shorter time periods. This will then allow you to work less hours and spend more time away from your desk in the evenings and weekends.

Remember the only person that will look after you is yourself and by taking breaks and refuelling your mind and body this could increase the chance of promotion, reduce stress levels and help you enjoy a work balanced and healthier lifestyle.

When was the last time you took a Lunch break?

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