10 Effective Solutions for Overcoming that Productivity Slump

by Ciara Conlon Head of Operations at EQuita Consulting

Are you feeling demotivated and lacking a bit of get up and go? It happens to all of us at some time or other. Maybe because you are feeling under the weather or are you overwhelmed with too much to do? Regardless of the reason here are some simple yet effective solutions for getting your energy and motivation back.

1 Take Time out
It might sound counter productive but taking a break might be the most productive thing you can do right now. Taking time out will help you to reassess your priorities and refocus on what’s important for you right now.

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2 Look at your Goals
When you take the time out, spend some time looking at your goals, what do you want to achieve this month, this year? What is your vision for the next 5 or 10 years? Reconnecting with your goals will remind you why you do what you do and will often reignite the spark of motivation.

3 Clear your desk
Clutter can be a terrible demotivator it adds to a sense of overwhelm and can cause stress. While a cluttered desk isn’t always a reflection of a cluttered mind, it can subconsciously be affecting your state of mind. Clear the desk and help clear your mind for greater work to come.

4 Clear your mind

Get it all out of your head and download it onto paper. All your goals, plans and tasks, getting it out of your head and onto the page can be very therapeutic and can help you to see more clearly.

5 Organise your tasks
While having a Todo list is better than not having one, ToDo lists can add to a sense of stress and overwhelm. Having all of your tasks visible on a page when you are not in the position to work on them can make you feel like you are not getting enough done. Use your calendar instead to plan your work and a task manager to store your categorised tasks for when the time is right.

6 Drink Water
Staying hydrated will help you to stay sharper and more focused. Remember to drink plenty of water during the day to avoid a physical slump in energy.

7 Nourish your brain
There are many foods that are said to boost focus and memory, Avocados, blueberries and broccoli, salmon walnuts and dark chocolate. They all add something special omega 3 fatty acids or high levels of antioxidants which will help you to concentrate and stay more alert for longer. Make sure you load up your lunch box with lots of healthy brain food daily.

8 Take a walk
Get out of the office and take a walk, this will increase blood flow to the brain and also help get your muscles pumping. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, include short walks in your day everyday.

9 Strike a Pose
Apparently our body language can re invigorate us. There are power poses that we can do which can increase testosterone levels and reduce the stress inducing cortisol levels. So strike a pose and act like superman or wonder woman for a minute or two and see how inspired you will become to get back to work.

10 Breathe
The breathe can heal many ails. A deep breathe can have a powerful impact on your well being, your focus and your productivity. Make sure you breathe deeply throughout the day. You will allow more oxygen to reach your body and your brain, and reap the benefits of more productivity but also better health.

Try out some of these simple tips to stay motivated, focused and productive throughout the day.

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