Remote Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

by Lauren Reville, Retail and Sales Recruitment Consultant with cpl

​Given the current landscape, remote hiring has become the new norm for many roles. Some employers are hiring for completely remote roles while some are hiring for remote roles which will transition to office-based, either way, it’s likely some or all of the interview process will be remote.

Remote hiring broadens your talent pool and although in-person interviews are generally favoured, remote hiring opens up opportunities for both employer and employee.

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However, it is still a new process for many and this can open up room for mistakes. Here are some key mistakes to avoid when hiring and interviewing remotely and some advice on how to adapt to our new ways of working and hiring.

1. Not communicating clearly

It is easy to take the convenience and flexibility of the world of remote working for granted. There is a sense that everyone is always on and available. However, is vital that you have a structured recruitment process and give candidates the appropriate time to prepare.

Avoid rushing through the recruitment process. This will show candidates you are invested and allow them to put their best foot forward. Where possible you should let candidates know the following well in advance:

  • When the interview is – giving them appropriate notice to prepare
  • Who will be conducting the interview or sitting in
  • What platform you’re going to be using – ensuring they are set up and can access it
  • What the candidate needs to prepare for the interview
  • Will video and audio be required
  • If the call will be recorded

2. Not using video interviews

Phone screening is a useful step in the recruitment process, however, a great recruitment process will use a combination of phone and video call.

In-person interviews allow for nonverbal communication such as body language. It is also easier to get a feel for an individual’s personality and build rapport in person. In a world where face to face isn’t possible a video call is the next best thing.

Video calls allow you to “put a face to the name” and vice versa for the candidate. By sitting down with the candidate virtually it gives you both a better chance to get to know each other. Video also enables you to give candidates a sense of your company culture.

3. Not staying in close contact with the candidate

Unavoidably with remote hiring, there will be a slight disconnect compared to traditional hiring. This is due to the fact that the candidate will not get to experience the company environment when onsite or engage with other employees.

It is vital with remote hiring remote workers that you keep in close contact throughout the hiring process. Clearly outline how many stages they should expect and give a hiring timeline where possible. Long wait times for feedback may give the candidate a negative impression of the company.

Staying connected to candidates lets them know that you are invested and interested in them. This will also avoid losing out on great candidates to counteroffers from competitors.

Overall the core of hiring remains the same. Keep communication channels open, be clear and personable in terms of what you expect from candidates and avoid long periods of time between each interview.

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