Why Successful Leaders Must Like Leading

by Richard Brody

If one hopes to become a truly, successful leader, he must enjoy, and LIKE leading! There are so many aspects, to effective leadership, and many obstacles, etc, it’s essential to maintain the discipline, and commitment, to persist, while lesser individuals, give – up! Therefore, one’s eventual success, often, relies on proceeding in a timely, well – considered manner, and becoming, willing to expend the necessary degree of effort and energy! In most cases, only those, who like what they will be doing, and will persist, and persevere, end up, being successful. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters.

1. Listen; learn; leadership: In most cases, it becomes, far easier, to enjoy doing something, when one is prepared, and ready, for the obstacles, which generally, present themselves. A primary challenge, is, having a willingness, to effectively listen, instead of enjoying, the sound of your own voice! When one does so, and consistently learns, from every conversation, and experience, he becomes, far more comfortable with being a leader, and more capable of addressing the needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, of those, he serves and represents! This is the essence of meaningful, real leadership!

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2. Integrity; ideas; ideology; imagination; interests; innovate; insights: You’ll never like leading, if you feel, it means compromising, your personal integrity! How one introduces relevant ideas, which align with the specific group’s ideology, and does so, with a relevant imagination, often enhances his personal enjoyment, of leading! Only, when a leader’s interests, focus on innovation, but, without trying to reinvent – the – wheel, should assist one’s insights, and the quality of the decisions, he chooses!

3. Know; knowledge; keep: How will you, know, the best path to pursue? Will you know which acquired knowledge is worth keeping, and enhancing/ developing, and which, might not be relevant to the specific organization’s success and progress?

4. Empathy; emphasis; energy; energize; enjoy/ enjoyment; endurance; excellence: When you put others first, and proceed, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, leading becomes far more fulfilling, and enjoyable! This should direct, where to place your primary emphasis, and where your personal energy, will best energize, both, your constituents and group, as well as you, personally! When one prepares, and maintains the endurance to persist, to the completion of one’s plan, he becomes far more capable of proceeding with the utmost degree of genuine excellence!

Successful leaders must enjoy, and LIKE leading! Are you, up to the task?

About the author

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

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