New paper explains AI’s role in talent acquisition

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can radically improve employee selection processes – by enabling recruiters to assess many more applicants – but the basis of your selection decisions must be legally defensible, according to a new paper by assessment specialist cut-e.

Called Artificial Intelligence in assessment, the paper explains the role of cognitive technologies in talent acquisition. It highlights how AI is used today to enhance recruitment and how it might be used in the future. As well dispelling some of the myths about Artificial Intelligence, the paper illustrates how it can improve the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of employee selection.

Artificial Intelligence is currently used to automatically generate ‘test items’ in assessments and to automate scoring and reporting. Machine learning is used in data analysis to create predictive people analytics, to help employers make better talent decisions. AI’s analytical power is also used to evaluate video assessments.

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The paper warns against using ‘black box’ algorithms in AI, as these can make selection decisions difficult to justify.

As the breadth and scope of AI expands, the paper predicts that AI will make recruitment even more efficient, productive and successful by augmenting human activity.

cut-e’s new paper Artificial Intelligence in assessment can be freely downloaded from infomail.cut-e

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