CSO figures show unemployment rate for May 2018 was 5.8%

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for May 2018 was 5.8%, down 0.1% from the rate of 5.9% in April 2018 and down from 6.6% in May 2017. The seasonally adjusted number of persons unemployed was 139,000 in May 2018, down from 140,800 when compared to the April 2018 figure and a decrease of 15,600 when compared to May 2017.

On a seasonally adjusted basis the Live Register total recorded a monthly decrease of 4,100 (-1.8%) in May 2018, reducing the seasonally adjusted total to 224,900. The number of persons on the Live Register in May 2018 is also the lowest number recorded in the seasonally adjusted series since July 2008

For full details see CSO

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