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Home Opinion Business Cards – Old-fashioned gesture or Classic business practice?

Business Cards – Old-fashioned gesture or Classic business practice?


I recently met with the CEO of a multi-national organisation in Dublin to discuss plans for hiring into his senior management team. Our conversation naturally covered desired skills, aptitude and previous work experience and he jokingly mentioned in passing that he would never hire someone who didn’t offer a business card during the interview process, ideally at the outset. “I need to see a piece of paper, a physical item that I can hold in my hand and recall the candidate in the period of time after the interview process has passed” he outlined “not to mention, if they do not have the kudos to leave a calling card, then how can they expect to be called, it’s just normal business practice”.

Thinking about the statement afterwards, I started to wonder how many of us have become dismissive of the business card with the advancement of technology and the ability to send on business cards via phone, text etc. It’s true a physical piece of card/paper can mean a lot more to the recipient – how many times have you received a “Happy Birthday” or “Happy Christmas” text or online gift when you’d really have appreciated an actual card or parceled gift more,  as it would indicate some effort on the part of the giver.

Has technology make us too lazy when it comes to making a gesture? Has the onset of social media where we “Like” hundreds of posts numbed our manners or turned us into ingenuous appreciators of everything with no real feeling behind it?  I understand the sentiment this chap had referred to – he saw the offering of a business card as a mark of respect and old-fashioned business etiquette – especially to someone who was making a decision on whether or not to offer a position on his team.  And I still have boxes of business cards from clients and candidates on my desk from many years back so obviously they hold an importance to me too.

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Ultimately, the gesture really befits the situation. First time business meetings then yes of course, you want to leave a lasting impression. Networking environments definitely – you’ll never remember all the names/organisations and faces. But in what circumstances do you not hand over your business card? Is it in a situation where you feel there is no benefit to you to be connected to the other person? You will have nothing to gain from this relationship? Or is it just too old-fashioned in your opinion? Has the world moved on?

Share your thoughts on the subject, I’m keen to hear your opinions.

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