by Richard Brody
Instead of complaining about the apparent dearth of genuine leaders, we often witness, today, and/ or, trying to blame someone, wouldn’t it make more sense, for organizations, to implement professionally designed, relevant, leadership training programs, instead? After, over four decades of involvement in nearly, all aspects of leading, including leadership planning, and training, from identifying, qualifying and preparing the best choices, for becoming meaningful leaders, I have come to the conclusion, the major difference, between similar organizations, with varying degrees of success, is their commitment to effectively training the right individuals, for present, and future positions. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 essential priorities, which should be addressed.
1. Attitude: Quality leaders need genuine, positive, can – do, attitudes, which help them perceive of obstacles, as challenges to overcome, rather than problems, to avoid and fear! Henry Ford is credited with stating, You can think you can, or can’t. EIther way, you’ll be correct. Groups benefit, when their leader has the discipline and commitment, to proceed, with an open – mind, and consider various options and alternatives!
2. Skill – set: A leader needs specific skills, and abilities, in order to lead, as effectively, as possible. Some of these are universal, while others may be specific to an organization, and a professional trainer, will explore, the best approach, and training, for each group.
3. Organization – specific: What might be the unique needs, and priorities, of a specific group, and why? When a training program, is customized, to address these things, everyone benefits!
4. Group’s mission: Fully explore your group’s Mission Statement, and why, that mission (or, if), is still relevant. Does it need, to be tweaked? How does it relate to the sustainability of the organization? What specific abilities, would your ideal leader, need?
5. Communication/ empathy: A smart leader effectively listens, and learns, from every conversation, and experience, in order to better understand, both, actual and perceived priorities, and values. These people need superior communication skills, in order to articulate an inspiring, motivating message, which will bring forth, more commitment, and focus!
6. Need for genuine integrity: How can anyone make a difference, for the better, unless/ until, he proceeds with the utmost degree of genuine integrity, even when it might be simpler, to pursue of path of least resistance?
Groups benefit when they commit to professionally designed, leadership training programs! If you hope to be an effective leader, consider this, thoroughly, and carefully!
About the author
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook