by HRHQ Editorial Team
Minister of State with special responsibility for international and road transport and logistics, Jack Chambers, will officially open the first ever Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Week on Monday as the movement of goods into and out of Ireland reaches record levels.
In 2022, Ireland’s export of goods reached a record level of €208 billion, an increase of more than €42 billion compared with 2021. Imports also reached a record level of €140 billion in 2022, up 35% compared with 2021.
Ireland’s resilient supply chain enables this level of trade movement into and out of the country and Logistics Week offers an opportunity to support the future proofing of this important sector.
Employment in the sector has grown in recent years, with more than 100,000 people or 4.4% of the national workforce working in logistics. However, this growth has been less than across the economy overall and more people are needed to join the sector now and into the future.
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