Home Recruitment Why Good Employees Don’t Stay for Longer

Why Good Employees Don’t Stay for Longer

By Robert G. Little
Great employees are meant for great companies.

Every company you make your way towards, you’ll hear bosses complaining of how their employees left them
helpless because of quitting the workplace.

Employee turnover is a sad dilemma, and leaves the company in a huge fix for a long time. Most of the time, the
good employees opt to make an exit from the workplace primarily because of the bad management. Employers
many a times tend to make their employee’s life incredibly difficult.

Based on common grounds, here are the top reasons why some great employees make an exit from the company.


1. Not Respected
Your job might be amazing in terms of money. However, if you don’t get the respect you deserve, you wouldn’t be
able to continue for long. This is one of the worst management practices that make great employees to quit a bit too

Treating employees like a doormat and not giving them the respect they deserve is one of the worst things you
could do as a management. At the end, it’s no surprise that the employee will have to eventually quit.


2. Hiring the Wrong People
If the recruitment process is full of flaws, it will certainly damage the company’s future. Sadly, a lot of managers
are accustomed to hiring wrong kinds of people that are not suitable for the company. If management fails to hire
employees that aren’t competent and hand working, it can make the employee demotivated.

Promoting the wrong kind of people is extremely insulting for the other employees. This is one of the biggest
reasons why the hard working ones decide to leave soon.


3. They Fail to Build a Community
Every organization should attempt to build a community. Managers need to have this as a top priority. Horrible bosses fail to build the trust needed in establishing healthy communities. The workforce is also less likely to trust
the management.

This is an awful condition for running businesses because both the parties can suffer significantly.


4. Hollow Words
As an employer, once you make a promise about anything, you should make it a habit of fulfilling it. Even when
you’re not able to, compensating it in an appropriate manner is a must. Most of the managers fail to do so. Being
trustworthy and honest is a practice every employer must adopt. This is how trust is built.

If you’re in a habit of making promises and not fulfilling them, you’re likely to make your employees quit.


5. Stressing Out Employees
One of the most horrible management practices is over stressing employees. If you believe in over burdening your
employees with a lot of work, you might be asking them to leave. Eventually, they’ll stop taking interest in their

Employees should never get the feeling that they’re being tortured for working well. If you do that, you’re likely to
drive the employees away.


The top reasons to why good employees quit are mostly accredited to bad management practices instead of intrinsic

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