Patrick Gallen, Partner, People & Change Consulting at Grant Thornton Ireland joined Declan Collins to discuss blended working; “The Great Resignation”; walking the talk of your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and the evolving expectations of new joiners; and the major opportunities for organisations that HR should drive…..
Patrick is the Partner leading Grant Thornton’s People and Change Consulting practice in Ireland. He has over 30 years of experience in People and Change, working right across Ireland, the UK and on a global basis. He specialises in delivering behavioural change through capability building, which can range from working on complex transformation projects right through to coaching senior Board members on a one-to-one basis. Patrick has deep cross-sectoral experience and his clients include large global banking and financial institutions, utility companies and well-known global brands in the food and drinks sector. His clients in the public and semi-state sector include Government Departments in the UK and Ireland, including Treasury and Finance Departments, Transport, Health and Utilities.