Home Opinion Network Your Credibility

Network Your Credibility

By Chi Chi Okezie

Chances are the next networking event you attend, there will be people there that you are meeting for the first time. Whether you are a newbie at networking or a seasoned pro, it is important to connect and make meaningful relationships. One way of building good connections is showing credibility in your interactions. Credibility is a strong piece to your character and the willingness of others to trust you. How can you show genuine credibility with others? How can you foster quality relationships? How can you ultimately reach your goals and missions?

Listed below are helpful tips for achieving these objectives at your next event or function.

Image is everything. One way to instantly gain credibility it to look the part. If you are attending a conference or formal event, make sure that you are properly and professionally dressed. If you are attending a more informal function or mixer, still represent yourself neatly. Your physical image can also project respect for yourself and others.

Arrive prepared for events. Show that you have done your homework and are excited about meeting new people. Make sure that you have plenty of business cards, flyers, brochures, etc. Use these as branding tools for promoting products, services and events in your networking conversations. These marketing pieces also can add credibility and understanding as you share relevant information with others.

Always follow up. You can also build trust with others after the event is over. Send an email, make a call or social media invite request to keep the connection going. Reaching out also shows that you are professional and focused on building genuine relations. It also allows you to expand your network and find opportunities to share resources.

Hopefully these few tips can provide great insight in being more credible with others. Attending events properly prepared, focused and intentional add success to your business or social endeavors.


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