Home Opinion 6 Things Negotiators Must Know

6 Things Negotiators Must Know

By Richard Brody


Nearly every thing we do in life, involves some degree of selling/ sales! We either sell a product, service, concept/ idea, our ourselves! In order to do effectively, it is incumbent upon us, to become the most effective, quality negotiator, possible, because achieving desirable objectives, is often the end – results of quality negotiations. However, it is important to understand, merely winning does not make one an excellent negotiator, because what is winning to one, might indeed be losing! Consider the costs, ramifications, options/ alternatives and opportunities, or you are certainly not negotiating, like a professional! Therefore, let’s review 6 basic things, negotiations need to/ must know.

1. Know what’s needed: How can you achieve objectives, if you lack clarity, regarding precisely what they are? Fully consider your goals, needs and priorities, as well as the realities – for example, can you afford the costs? When a negotiator begins the process, with a clear picture of what he seeks, he becomes far more capable of articulating his position, and reasons, to his counterpart! Needs include: purposes; costs; priorities; goals; marketing; making the desirable impression; serving a useful purpose, etc.

2. Know what the other side needs: Quality negotiations only occur, when you commit to comprehensively doing your homework, and discovering what the other side needs to be satisfied, and, thus, agreeable. This can be achieved in several ways, including: common sense (they don’t want to lose money or waste time); examining prior negotiations; personalized, prepared, face – to – face discussions.

3. Know your budget/ finances, before you begin: Don’t commence any negotiating, if your steering board merely tells you to make the best deal possible! What exactly does that mean? Before beginning, have a thorough discussion, and be certain all are on the same page! Discuss the purpose/ goals, how it will be paid for, relevant historical data/ heritage, necessities and needs, and especially, a reliable preliminary budget, and/ or financial snapshot!

4. Know the difference between priorities and wants!: Everything which is wanted is generally referred to as the Wish List. A negotiator must be able to clearly differentiate between wishes (It would be nice) and priorities/ necessities/ needs! Know what is negotiable, versus a deal – breaker! The clearer one is, from the onset, the smoother the process will generally be!

5. Know negotiating basics, techniques, and how to overcome objections: This important point relates to the need to have a professional negotiator, represent you, in this process. Many believe they know how to negotiate, but lack the necessary combination of skills, assets, attitude, integrity, focus, and clarity! One must train and learn the techniques, and gain relevant experience, in order to develop the right expertise, judgment and wisdom, which will position him to make the best decisions! Part of that process is understanding, and seamlessly applying, the 5 steps for overcoming objections!

6. Know how to get things done, close the deal, and arrive at a meeting of the minds: The best type of negotiating is a win – win approach/ philosophy. When all sides are somewhat satisfied, a fair deal has been agreed to, the end result is usually the best one! Get to the point clearly, know how to close a deal, and seek a meeting of the minds!

There’s a lot involved with negotiating. Know what you must know, and be a professional!



Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning and negotiations: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead


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