Home Opinion My 3 Favorite Make-Life-Simple Apps

My 3 Favorite Make-Life-Simple Apps

By Karen McMillan


Productivity. Creativity. Mindfulness resources to bring ease and simplicity to your life and business.

I believe we all desire a simpler way of life. A way to balance work, life, peace and our inner artist. Simplicity is one of the mantras I’ve been sharing with myself and my clients. Blending ancient wisdom with modern practice is the Tao (way) of the YINpreneur. Today, I want to show you some of the ways I blend these, and approach work-life balance.

Evernote (free or paid, ALL devices, syncs with computer)

This modern app is my go to when I need to make room in my busy mind. I can work on the fly, yet keep it organized in notebooks and files. It’s the best of a file cabinet and search tool. From taking notes during an online webinar to using the web clipper to grab a favorite design or recipe off the internet – be it full or screenshot, or sending an email to Evernote. Mostly, I love that I can organize within notebooks and add tags to organize across notebooks – they even offer templates & spreadsheets. It is perfect for my busy, creative mind. Especially when I want to capture all the ideas floating through my head for blog posts, podcasts and more. The best part is, it works on and syncs across all devices. These are just a few of the ways I use it. Free or paid.

Insight Timer (Free or Paid, all Devices)

This app is truly the best of ancient wisdom and modern practice. Imagine a meditation app with your choice of singing bowls to meditate or create focus. Most use this for meditation, I also use this in place of what many know as the Pomodoro Timer – imagine a power hour with a sweet sound versus a loud, jarring, energy draining alarm buzzer. It is my very peaceful alarm. It helps me keep focused on the beautiful sound of the singing bowl. I can set it for whatever time I choose, with “warning” bells to open and close my focus time. I may be working, yet setting my intention and starting with that sound makes it feel less like work and more like mindfulness practice. Need a non-distracting background sound? Set the time for flowing water, nature sounds or even OM chanting.

Notability (paid, sorry, only iOS, syncs with computer)

This one is my absolute favorite, go-to app. I love it because it supports my entrepreneur and my inner artist. I can take notes on a keyboard or go old-school with a stylus – and get back that feeling of writing on paper – I can even blend both in one document. It really gets to be fun when I add color, highlights, sticky notes, insert photos (from files or with your camera), and so much more. I can even record a talk as I write and the app will sync the audio with my notes. Saving and reading PDF’s to the app is a breeze. It’s where I organize all the PDF from courses I take. I simply slide them into the app from my desktop. All organized in sections and notebooks. It’s my favorite for visioning, taking notes during client calls and even organizing recipes. I can begin working on my desktop and it syncs to my phone. I’m off and mobile. Bye bye file cabinets or complicated mind-map apps. This is my place for fun and organization.

I could write so much more about the power of these apps. You can always try the free version and customize their use to your heart and mind. Hope this inspires you and helps you have fun and make life simple.





Hi, I am Karen McMillan, mom, YINpreneur and internationally certified, intuitive life and business coach (ACC, BCC, CUG)

My passion blending ancient wisdom with modern practice to help you slow down to speed up your success, and know life and business bliss.

I invite you to connect with me and learn more about my live and virtual coaching, seminars and retreats for inspired individuals and small groups of women. Join me for a weekly virtual meditation (Wisdom Tea), BlogTalk Radio show, YINspiration blog, Facebook or Twitter chat. http://www.kdmcmillan.com/


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