Home Leadership The Need For CREATIVE Leadership

The Need For CREATIVE Leadership

by Richard Brody

Whether, we like it, or not, there is no such thing, as a born – leader! For, over four decades, I have been involved, in, nearly, everything, related to leading, more effectively, and productively, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, personally, as a leader, several times, and these tasks, would have been, far – simpler, if there was some sort, of, magic formula! Often, we overlook, the reality, which is, the best leaders must be ready, willing, and able, to think, outside – the – box, and seek the best options and alternatives, with an open – mind! In other words, there is a true – need, for meaningful, CREATIVE leadership! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and, why it matters.

1. Coordinate; cooperate; character; create; convictions: The finest leader must have the quality of character, to proceed, consistently, with the courage of his convictions, in order to focus, on the best system, to create, and the finest path, forward! It is incumbent – upon, true leader, to consistently, coordinate all aspects of his organization, and to emphasize, cooperation, seeking a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good!

2. Rationale; reasoning; responsive; relevant; realistic: Unless/ until, a leader is willing to articulate his rationale, and reasoning, to those, he serves and represents, and it is, truly responsive, to the relevant, needs, priorities, perceptions, and ideals of his organization, and stakeholders, in a positive, but, realistic way, he isn’t leading!

3. Empathy; emphasis: One must be willing to effectively, listen and learn, from every conversation, and experience, in order to possess, genuine empathy, and a greater understanding, of what my be needed! He must place his emphasis, accordingly!

4. Attitude; aptitude; astute; articulate; actions: How one, effectively, aligns, and utilizes, a positive, can – do, attitude, with a well – developed, relevant aptitude, in an astute way, and clearly articulates his message to those, he serves and represents, and, demonstrates, by his actions, he is suited to make a true difference, for the better, distinguishes between a real leader, and the rest – of – the – pack!

5. Time – tested; timely; trends: Avoid being satisfied with the same – old, same – old, and, rather, expand the self – imposed, limits, of your personal comfort zone, and effectively, take advantage of relevant trends! Align this, with applying time – tested, knowledge, judgment, and wisdom, and proceed, in a well – considered, timely manner, to ensure, you have the necessary degree of skill, and creativity, to make changes, for the better!

6. Ideas; intuition; ideals/ ideology; imagination; innovate: Develop a relevant, imagination, if you wish to have the ability, to innovate, when it is needed, and desirable! Do you have the intuition, to proceed, with developed, skills, and ideas, which align, with the ideals, of the group, and its core ideology?

7. Visions/ visionary; views: Will you adjust your personal views, so you, proceed, in a visionary manner, and possess, the most – desirable, visions, for the common good?

8. Excellence; endurance; effects/ effective; extra: Creative leaders must go, the extra – mile! They must demand their utmost degree of personal excellence, maintain the endurance, to overcome obstacles, and proceed, in an effective way, to create the desired effects!

It takes a combination of variables, to proceed, with CREATIVE leadership! Are you, ready, willing, and able, to be, up – to, the tasks?

About the author

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead