Home Leadership How Leaders SHAPE Agendas

How Leaders SHAPE Agendas


By Richard Brody


If one is to become a relevant, reliable, responsive, effective, quality leader, it’s essential to, be ready, willing, and able to effectively listen, and learn, perceive and conceive of the concerns of others, and be, the force, which SHAPE agendas. True leadership means proceeding, forward, in a proactive manner, and voicing their opinion, and rationale, in terms of introducing a strategic and action plan. If you don’t want to assume that responsibility, then, perhaps, you shouldn’t try, to be a leader! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it’s an essential part of effectively leading!

1. Service; sustainable; solutions; system: When/ if, someone focuses, from the beginning, on serving and representing, those he serves and represents, and is willing to put others – first, he does not let his personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest, direct his actions! Rather, the great leader, perceives and conceives, what’s needed and necessary, a priority and goal, or the mission of the specific organization, he introduces viable, relevant, sustainable solutions, consistently, and in a well – considered, way!

2. Healing; head/ heart: Rather than focusing on self – interest, a real leader emphasizes healing, and bringing others together, for the common good, prioritizing a meeting – of – the – minds! It takes someone, who uses, both his logical and emotional components, in a head/ heart balance, to make a significant difference, for the better!

3. Attention; agenda; aptitude; attitude; articulate; actions: Only, after paying keen attention, should a leader create his agenda! He must proceed forward, with a positive, can – do, attitude, and in a visionary way, articulate a motivating, inspiring message, which brings people together, and leads – to, the necessary actions!

4. Priorities; planning; process: A real leader shares the priorities of those, he serves and represents. He, then, proceeds, with strategic and action planning, and introduces the best process, to achieve worthwhile objectives!

5. Empathy; emphasis; energy/ energetic; endurance; excellence: Begin by effectively, listening and learning, in order to gain insights, into the perspectives of your constituents! When one maintains genuine empathy, and has the personal energy, which energizes, inspires, and motivates others, the chance of getting them, to be willing, to, at least, listen, to your ideas, is enhanced! Remember, this may take some time, so be certain, you have the level of endurance, commitment, and persistence, to achieve, the utmost degree of personal, genuine excellence!

If you hope to be a leader, be ready, willing, and able, to SHAPE the group’s agenda, in a positive, relevant, sustainable, priorities – based, way! Are you up to the task?




Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead


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