Home Leadership Employee Engagement Best Practices

Employee Engagement Best Practices

employee engagement concept diagram hand drawing on chalkboard

by Laura Belyea, COO at Talivest

Help Employees Find their Colleagues
Large organizations can be a labyrinth when it comes to knowing how to find people. It may sound obvious, but use your employee communication tools to help people find each other as well as to enhance communication. Sure, email and the phone still work, but having a clear avenue for how and where to reach the right person at the right time can make a big difference.

Gather Unique Viewpoints
Some organizations like the idea that there is a Company Viewpoint on any subject, but let’s face it: your opinion depends on who you are and what you do. Instead of denying the existence of opinions in your organization, ask for them and share them. Sharing the view from your product team (for example) can help customer success teams give current and future clients a peek behind the curtain to see what you’re launching next.

Get Feedback
Sharing information from the top down may streamline your workflow, but it doesn’t build consensus. The best communication is two-way. Share ideas internally and get feedback on what’s happening. Sometimes an “Ask me Anything” discussion group or channel can be a great way to gather ideas that will help you make positive changes to your company.

Recognize your People
Keeping employees engaged isn’t always about pay or benefits. Share success stories and offer recognition inside your employee communication tools. Create an initiative that makes peer-to-peer feedback attractive and generates a feel-good culture. Being heard and appreciated can go a long way to keeping employees engaged.

Sometimes we hear the sentiment that following employee engagement best practices ‘seems like a lot of work’. The reality is, the tools can help you create a better internal reception to your communication which will ultimately lead to more motivated staff. If you’re running a HR team, chances are you’re doing these things anyway. Why not streamline the process?

About the author
Laura’s role is to successfully support the growth and strategy for Talivest, as well as provide product support with her expertise within the HR industry. Previously posts were director of HR & operations in Telefonica, Elizabeth Arden and ICON

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