Home ​Health & Well-being Importance of a Good Workplace Social Environment

Importance of a Good Workplace Social Environment

by Spectrum Wellness

60% of 2015 graduates reported that they would prefer a company with a positive social atmosphere over one that offers a higher pay check. (1)

That is not a piece of information that an employer can brush aside. It goes on to show the importance of creating an appealing social environment within your organisation so that your employees want to come to work and enjoy healthy relationships with colleagues. Maybe it’s time for some reflection to see if your company is a place your employees want to be in.

Ease the Stress

As an employee, a major source of stress is work itself. Even though they spend most of their day in the office, employees constantly have deadlines to meet. Too much stress cripples their ability to effectively complete their tasks.

Sometimes all employees need is a break that allows them to take their minds off work and engage in activities that they enjoy doing. When the company provides outlets to do this through social activities such as casual sports or social nights, employees tend to associate a more positive energy with their organisation.

When companies organise these activities, it shows care for its employees and displays that it understands the importance of incorporating fun into the work-life as well.

This of course translates into better productivity rates within the organisation and promotes a positive, friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

Boost Creativity

While allowing social activities and fun in the workplace provides employees a break from work-related stress, it can also boost their creativity in the process.

When the brain is worn out focusing on one task, the ability to be creative with that task may also diminish. Changing the scene for a while and focusing on something else can recharge the brain to tackle the initial task with a renewed energy and more creativity.

Creativity is the product of a relaxed but focused mind, at least in the case of quality creativity. It takes energy to identify inspiration and channel it into the certain task. It may be that your employee finds inspiration through the social activity. These events allow colleagues to have conversation that may or may not revolve around work without a sense of stress and that is an ideal environment to stumble upon great ideas.

Build Relationships

When the air of stress and tension is felt by everyone in the office, it increases the chances of an employee magnifying his/her differences with another. It is bound to happen because they spend a lot of time with each other and have different personalities. However, a tense environment is never good to handle problems.

Allowing fun in the office to a healthy extent not only provides temporary relief from work-related stress, after which their moods are brightened, but it also allows employees to communicate better and work out issues they might have with each other in a healthy way.

Creating opportunities for employees to get to know each other better is a beneficial idea. Through social activities they understand what their colleagues like and dislike. This effectively, improves their synergy within the workplace as well.

Yes, work is work. However, it’s not necessary that it be synonymous with the terms ‘stress’, ‘dry’, ‘boring’ or ‘tiring’. Social activities are important in contributing to the wellness of each of your employees and building a positive company environment. So, let’s close with this question- Is your company a place your employees WANT to be in.

(1) https://www.forbes.com/sites/paycom/2017/02/09/benefits-of-fun-in-the-workplace/#7487524278b1

(1) http://www.expertbusinessadvice.com/leadership/The-Importance-of-Fun-in-the-Workplace-4082.html

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