Home Opinion A Plan Is Worth It’s Weight In Gold

A Plan Is Worth It’s Weight In Gold

by Amy Jo Honey-

Have you ever tried to build a building without having a solid plan? A blueprint? When was the last time you decided what you were going to do tomorrow? When was the last time you wrote down your objective to achieve a goal? When was the last time you did a thing or two without having a set idea?

If you haven’t, then stop reading this article and go do it. You see, a gameplan gives you direction. It gives you something to shoot for. It gives you something you can compare your performance to. It gives you something that you can measure yourself against. It gives you something that you can compare your performance to.

You see, preparation becomes the measuring sticks for all your actions. And nothing helps a person achieve more than a plan. And if you don’t have a plan, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Plans help identify what you don’t know, what you want to change, and what you don’t want to change. They help identify where you need to grow, and where you need to grow.

In fact, an exact design is the ONLY thing that allows you to grow. Nothing else, no matter how perfect and how wonderful, can grow you beyond the design. A plan is the only thing that grows a person past that idea.

In a nutshell, you need a to prepare so you know where you are shooting for, and where you are already shooting for. You need a blueprint because it’s the only thing that grows a person past the planning phase.

I mean, if you don’t have a plan, then you’re on your own. You can’t grow beyond whatever limitations your plan is. No one can grow you beyond whatever limitations your plan is. And even if you do have a plan, then that’s only as good as your knowledge of where you are shooting for. And if you know where you are already, then you know where you are not. You know what you’re missing. You know what to add. Your plan is just plan. It’s not a plan for life.

A plan is simply a framework for life.

In that, a plan is worthless. Nothing can replace a plan for growing beyond the plan. Nothing.

You might want a plan. You might decide I need a plan. But a plan alone? Forget it. A plan alone can only serve as a framework in which everything else can grow. Nothing more. And nothing less. That’s because a plan is a starting point. A framework without a course, an experience, a motivation to get there, is an empty vessel. And empty vessels sink without trace.

It is why you often need a plan to get anywhere. It is why you need a plan to start a business. It is why you need a plan to achieve a goal. No one can fill their plan with anything better than themselves. Not your plan. They are your plan. They are your motivation. They are who you are. And when you start with a true plan, you start with yourself.

And as you know, if you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it. You will find a way to grow beyond your plan. That’s why it is so important to have a plan. It gives a start point. It gives a frame to shoot for. It gives a horizon to determine where you are and to determine where you are going. Without a plan, you can become lost in the wilderness.

But a plan is not enough. You need a plan to grow beyond the plan. You need a plan to shoot for a goal beyond your plan. You need a plan to shoot for a goal that seems unattainable. You need a plan so massive so massive so massive that it makes your heart sing just to create it. That is why the best plans are not plans so simple so simple that you may actually believe that you could achieve it. The best plans are not simple in idea so simple that you could believe you could achieve it. The best plans are in fact massive and quite difficult. Massive so massive that even if you believed you could do it, you wouldn’t be able to. It is the plan so massive that only a force of a magnitude greater than you could ever possibly imagine can create it. It is the plan so large that any forces of opposition and any challenges to its realization would be eliminated. The best plans are the ones that can make you believe in its reality. And in this reality, you are allowed to believe what would be impossible for anything else.

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