Home Leadership 7 Actions the Best Leaders Take To Support Well Being!

7 Actions the Best Leaders Take To Support Well Being!

By Jim Kirwan FCIPD

The CEO, C Suite and senior executives quite rightly ask those responsible [usually HR] to justify their recommended investments in Well Being initiatives and projects. However in doing so, I wonder do they realise just how much their own actions can influence the success of these investments? Here are 7 actions leaders can take immediately which could be the difference between success and failure.

  1. Encourage greater participation and engagement in your Well Being initiatives by your words, actions and deeds!
  2. Participate in as many Well Being activities as you can. Set the example and your team will follow you.
  3. Demonstrate your support by actually walking the talk! For example what about moving your parking spot to the one furthest away?
  4. Support the decisions made by the Well Being team, even if their decision is not exactly what you would have done!
  5. Agree policy changes which facilitate and encourage employees to develop healthy behaviours. What about encouraging stand up or walking meetings?
  6. Recognise the Well Being achievements of individual employees, managers, departments, sites, etc.
  7. Provide financial support to encourage “Sustained Healthy Lifestyle for Everyone”!



Jim Kirwan is a best selling author, professional speaker, health and fitness coach and an employee wellbeing consultant. He recently returned to Ireland after 14 years operating in the health and wellbeing space in America. He’s hosting Ireland’s 1st “Strategic” Wellbeing Conference in Dublin on 30 Nov. called FIT-CEO Optimum Performance; FIT-CEO is an acronym for the 6 key ingredients of sustainable employee and organisation wellbeing.
Developing a “Sustained Healthy Lifestyle” for everyone, is just one of the key elements of the Well Being & Lifestyle Conference in DCU, All Hallows on 9th November.



If you have any questions or if you’d like to discuss the conference over a cup of coffee, call me on 086.456.9502, email me at jimkirwan@ynlm.ie or simply message me here on LinkedIn.

My Motto: “You don’t have to be fit and healthy to start, but you do have to start to be fit and healthy.”

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